
Massimiliano Beltrame was born in Piemonte, Italy in 1945. After attaining his art diploma and attending the faculty of Architecture at Rome University, Beltrame has worked mainly in two and three-dimensional marble mosaic, cast bronze and painting.

Beltrame's work is in both public and private collections in Europe, the Middle East and the United States. His commissioned work includes the Memorial in the Israelite Chapel in Rome, a life size crucifix at the Bonotti private chapel in Rome, a mosaic wall panel for the entrance of the headquarters of Banca de Bergamo in Rome. He has had numerous installations for private residences in Italy and England including a large mosaic sculpture for the office of the president of the Monte de'Paschi di Siena Bank in Rome, garden sculptures, and architectural projects.

Beltrame has had group and one-person exhibitions in Italy, and the United States and, in 1984 he was included in Sculpture Bolaffi Art, the Italian art critics' listing of the most important Italian artists.

Beltrame moved his studio from Rome to San Francisco in 1995.

In late 2002, looking for inspiration for his work, Beltrame moved his studio to Italy.

In late 2017, Beltrame moved his studio to the U.S.